Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My experience whit my blog

Hello my classmate! Today i talk about my blog experience. In my class English In first class I did´t like very much the idea, but did’t has a other option. Then I write and read a lot of times the blog I begin like the blog. I was has one blog for learn of write in English. I learn a lot of things writing in this blog.

I write in all week, never one week stopped writing, because I like write and I like you read me. I like the blog because is very personal and I put all thing I want.

In this blog I talk about a lot of things of my live such as my first dog, my travel in summer, the music, the movies, my favorite technology, the famous anthropology, my experience in earthquake. All these things are very important in my live and I tell you because I want you learn me.

When I write in the blog the most difficult was chose the topic in this moment, there are a many topics you choose, but you chose only one. The write is simpler when you write more and read, is the same, when you more read you more simple is.

Despite I like the experience of writing in a blog, I would like to suggest that the teacher could post in our blogs, maybe not everytime but at least sometimes, telling us about our mistakes so in that way we can learn a little bit more about grammar.

This weed I have to say good bye to all. I don’t like say good bye, but is necessary. Today is a last time I write for you, I hope you like. I miss a lot of and thank for your post.

I love so much.

Good bye.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mari!
    How have you been? I am glad to know that your blogging expierence has been positive. I think that for me it has been good because I was able to learn how to express myself better in english language.
    Throughout this semester I have enjoyed reading your blog, and I hope you continue writting in it.
    Have a nice week!
