Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My experience whit my blog

Hello my classmate! Today i talk about my blog experience. In my class English In first class I did´t like very much the idea, but did’t has a other option. Then I write and read a lot of times the blog I begin like the blog. I was has one blog for learn of write in English. I learn a lot of things writing in this blog.

I write in all week, never one week stopped writing, because I like write and I like you read me. I like the blog because is very personal and I put all thing I want.

In this blog I talk about a lot of things of my live such as my first dog, my travel in summer, the music, the movies, my favorite technology, the famous anthropology, my experience in earthquake. All these things are very important in my live and I tell you because I want you learn me.

When I write in the blog the most difficult was chose the topic in this moment, there are a many topics you choose, but you chose only one. The write is simpler when you write more and read, is the same, when you more read you more simple is.

Despite I like the experience of writing in a blog, I would like to suggest that the teacher could post in our blogs, maybe not everytime but at least sometimes, telling us about our mistakes so in that way we can learn a little bit more about grammar.

This weed I have to say good bye to all. I don’t like say good bye, but is necessary. Today is a last time I write for you, I hope you like. I miss a lot of and thank for your post.

I love so much.

Good bye.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

La isla del sol!

Hello classemate!! Today I continue whit the history the “La isla del sol”, because I don’t finish telling you all.


Already in the Isla del Sol, we stoop the ship in the south side. In the south we walk to the north. The way one should be delayed to 2 hours, but we delay ourselves 6 hours, for which we got lost.

Before getting lost we separate in two groups: one with Caro, Fran, Naty and I and other one with Iva, Cami and Ale. The second group did not get lost, but equal they came at the same hour.

We were lost as 2 hours, without seeing anybody to the neighborhood and in addition without having a way to continue. How did it happen? We were going for a way that I cut of nothing, and I did not continue.

Before us the way was finish, we leave of the traditional way to continuing. We were going for a way with a lot of tourists, but when we were happening for a church us looking at her, and we take a wrong way.

We ask many people if the way in which we were going was driving it was doing the north zone. The response was providing that if, all the ways were driving to this zone, but not for the way that we need.

Ultimately not since we come and in some moment we could come to the traditional way.

Thankfully we come early to the island, and us it did not get night we were walking. This it was they more fear, because we did not have idea where we were.

In the north zone we found whit second group and realize together the camp.

This is the finish of the history.

I hope you like.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The" isla del sol"!

In the summer go to Bolivia whit 7 friends: Caro, Ale, Fran, Cami, Iva, Naty and me. We were approximately one month. In the travel crossed all Bolivia, we were for La paz (the capital), Oruro, Copacabana , Uyuni, Villa Tunari ( in the jungle), potosí and other cities.
In the trip we were some problem the coexistence, but a few. This problem we overcame in a lunch talks all.
The first week travel since Arica to La paz, Bolivia, is very high and all is very queasy. In the frontier whit Bolivia they gave us “té de coca”. This drunk is especial for queasy, the leaf have a magic, recover in five minute.
In the third day in La Paz go to a one small town call Copacabana, is a town for touristic. This town is near to Lago Titicaca. The Lago Titicaca is a sacred lake for the Inca’s people and this lake is the only fountain the water (whit exception of the laugh), because is a country without sea.
In this small city, we see for first time the carnival the Bolivia. Although is nothing compare whit the Oruro’s carnival. In the Copacaba’s carnival we surprise a lot of, is amassing.
The other day cross the Lago Titicaca and we go to the Isla del sol. This island is especial for Inca because is the island for the god, this people call Dios del sol. In the Island have a lot of archaeological sites, is very magic and especial.
The day that we come, in the south, we crossed all the island to the north. In one moment we separate in two group, in me group we lost and take the wrong way. We delay the double.
It was continuing.
Please go to Bolivia is beautiful.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the music

Hello classroom!!!! Today is a great day!! Today i talk about the music and my favorite band. The music is very important in the live, because the music makes you be happy in the most time, but not always.
The music, just like films, I make feel all emotions, as happiness, gloominess, rabies or more other feeling. The love of music is a feeling, don’t all people its like. Personally, I don’t understand this people, because the music marc important moment in the live.
For my person that I teach myself on music he was my brother and my sister. My brother I teach me the pop rock, which Incubus, System of a Down, Rage against the machine and other. Some these bands I follow listen on other don’t. And my sister I teach the argentine’s rock, the Hip-hop and alternative music, which Laurin Hill, Fouges, Bjork, Cahrly García, Fito Paez, Sabina, Soda stereo, Gustavo Cerati, Miranda, and other bands.
Can you see, I like a lot of type of music, It I don’t like a lot of the style, I like the bands.
Thanks for read me.
Good bye.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The movies

Hi classmate, today i talk about the movies. The movies is one my favorite hobbies. In general I saw a lot of movies in the month.

I like the movies because it shows another reality completely different from yours. This makes it extremely interesting and relaxing.

I begin to seeing movies for my parents, that they are charmed with seeing movies. My parents not to see any type of movies but only they see "Cine arte ". It is because of it that in general is this type of cinema that I see, though occasionally I see more superficial movies.

If they were asking me that it is what more I like to see movies, he would say that it is a way of expanding the mind, of opening your horizons.

I like it really very much, am something that I dedicate time in my life. I like to be able to know of all the movies, I like to give my opinion of all the movies, already be bad or not.

The grace of the movies is that three mix big elements, the music, the argument and the images.

I like to see movies the ends of weeks, when this more relaxed of the university works.

Generally I see them in house, sometimes I go to the cinema, but they are less because it is very expensive.

My favorite movies are a "Sweet November ", " Dancer in the dark", " before the dawn " and great others, actually many, is a big big list.

Bye bye

I hope you like.