Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hello, this day i go to talk about the famous anthopology: Claude Levi-satrauss.
I like very much levi-strauss, your theory is very interesting. When the theory is understood, it is possible to comprehend the history of the anthropology. The problem to understand, because he write the difficult from.
Levi-strauss was a famous anthopologist, is very important for our degree. He founder the school of anthopology estructural, created new world of knowledge.For this contributions, the anthropology gave a draft.
He was born on November 28th, 1908 in Bruselas, Bélgica. Inside and out of the anthropology, he was one of the intellectual most influential of the century XX.
He was study law and philosophy.
He lived a lot time in Brazil, where it had contact with the native ones of the country. This trip i it help to do this theory.
This autor is PhD in anthopology, in París. Them he published this book of your theory. He work most famous are "anthopology estructural" and "elementary structures of the kinship". And he was teacher in the Sorbona University and France University.
He died whit 101 years in October, 30th in 2009.
In summary, his theory helped to explain the kinships as expression of a structure. This structure is given in any area of the life.


  1. Hi!, I read to Levi-Strauss in field of anthropology in my career and not cost me much to understand but it was only a chapter in one of his books.
    I feel admiration for him as well who can live many years!.
    I see you

  2. Hello =)

    The truth I did not know much about Levi-Strauss,I've never read his books or any paper about, and your summary, I have been a little more clear, especially in terms of theoretical orientation.

    thanks for your small contribution;)

    you soon!!!
