Tuesday, May 25, 2010

my favorite technology

Hello classmate! Today i talk about my favorite technology. My favorite is the notebook, is the more use en the day.
I don’t like very much the technology, because I think the human depend a lot of the technology and this not good for survival in other places. This problem was evident whith the earthquake because there wasn't light for the technology's artifact.
But in this time is indispensable use technology, therefore I buy a computer for make my homework. In beginning I buy computer, but is very big and, for the time, the computer is put slowly. Then I change the point the supermarket for a notebook.
My notebook is very fast, and has a lot of space in the memory. All the day when I arrived to my home I enter to check my email, study and chat with my friends. I have to admit the computer is very use for simplify the life.
In the day I use for minimum one hour, only in check my email I took twenty minute. Also I use for download music, series or movies and for listen music. In the two last case I have the computer ignition a lot of hours.
I hope you like!
Good bye!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Hobbies

Hi! Today i talk about my hobbies. In the years go to the university, apart this activity i realize other activities. The university takes a lot of time, but the other time i have hobbies.
These hobbies are make jewellery, play football, go out whit my friend, go to dance at party, listen to music, and other.
The first, i take class the jeweler all the monday then the university class. Is very interesting use the fire for transformation the materiality. The fire, change the metal the solid state to liquid state. This process is making because i want change the form of metal, this call smelting.
The football, is the sport more like, is a fantastic sport. Generally a saw match in the tv, but I like more play football. Since seventh grade I begin play, take class and play championship. In the university I enter in wordshop, all the Monday and Wednesday go to play football. In the wordshop go whit francisca, is very entertaining.
The third hobbies, go out whit my friend, is all Friday in the university at least one o two hours. This don’t ever to do, but I try stay in the university although is really tired. In general are seven or ten friends stay in the university to talk about something or drink a beer. The other option is go to home or a party, but don’t realize usually.
The last one, listen music are make when i can, overcoat in the public bus and when I have take one break to study.

Bye! I hope you like my post

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hello, this day i go to talk about the famous anthopology: Claude Levi-satrauss.
I like very much levi-strauss, your theory is very interesting. When the theory is understood, it is possible to comprehend the history of the anthropology. The problem to understand, because he write the difficult from.
Levi-strauss was a famous anthopologist, is very important for our degree. He founder the school of anthopology estructural, created new world of knowledge.For this contributions, the anthropology gave a draft.
He was born on November 28th, 1908 in Bruselas, Bélgica. Inside and out of the anthropology, he was one of the intellectual most influential of the century XX.
He was study law and philosophy.
He lived a lot time in Brazil, where it had contact with the native ones of the country. This trip i it help to do this theory.
This autor is PhD in anthopology, in París. Them he published this book of your theory. He work most famous are "anthopology estructural" and "elementary structures of the kinship". And he was teacher in the Sorbona University and France University.
He died whit 101 years in October, 30th in 2009.
In summary, his theory helped to explain the kinships as expression of a structure. This structure is given in any area of the life.