Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Today I talk about recycling. Recycling decreases the pollution in the environment, because the trash we throw is reutilized. For this reason recycling creates a better world.
If we didn’t recycle, the environment would be full of trash and the world would die with all human and animals. In this sense, all the districts of the world must recycle creating dumping places with different colors. The difference in colors is for different material such as: plastic, newspapers, cardboard and glass.
My personal experience with recyclng is that my district recycles all the trash. There are dumping containers,on all the corner in my district. They are of a lot of different colors. My family collect up all the trash in different plastic bags: vegetable, plastic, glass, cardboard and newspaper.
I like to recycle because I help the world not to die. But it is a big work to separate the trash all the time you put something in the dumping places. It's very boring, it's time consuming.
In my city almost nobody recycles, very few people do it. The people recycle when they are forcete by their district. For this reason, the district must encourage to recycle all the people. The government must pass the law or campaing to incentivate recycling.
I recommend all my family and my friends to learn to recycle, because it's very important for our world. It's very easy, but the complication is the persistence in the recycle. Only you have mark which the bag for the plastic, glass, newspaper, and other will be and you have the disposition for recycling. When you have the habit it's very easy.
I invite to recycle in your homes, it's very easy. I hope in few year more the government will pass a law!
Bye bye
I hope you like!

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