Wednesday, September 8, 2010

environmental pollution

In the last two decade the new more important is the pollution. This new is public in a lot of paper, magazine or science’s magazine, because is very important new in the last time for the implication in the human.
The pollution is the residues that throw at the environment the factories, already be of liquid, solid or gaseous form. All these forms generate environmental problems, which big changes in the life of the animals and of the plants in the different ecosystems. Not only it happens that they generate problems in the fauna and flora but they generate problems to the human beings, since we can generate more diseases as for example different types of cancer or lung diseases as asthma or major quantity of bronchitis.
There are different types of pollution, some of them are: Liquid, solid, acoustic, gaseous. The liquids give themselves for example when the factories throw toxic liquids in lagoons, the sea or rivers, another form is the spillage of oil that kills many marine animals. The solid pollutions are garbage that every individual throws in the daily life, without recycling anything. The acoustic pollution gives itself generally in the city that it exists a great quantity of environmental noise already be for the cars or for construction, etc. In the gaseous pollution it is given generally in the factories that liberate toxic gases that produce different diseases and bad smells.
The pollution is over now, the people have began recycle in all the world. We have salving and salving all planet.
Good bye!

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