Tuesday, April 20, 2010


After the earthquake i has in Bolivia, but i return to santiago the Chile at 25 of Febrery.
The night of earthquake i go to the friend's house, to celebrate the friendship. I'm go the meeting whit Alejandra, Carolina, Pamela y Nicolás. Then, i returned my home at the 1 A.M because i very tired. I walk at my home because i live very near for my friend, when get to my home i go to sleep.
Two o tree hours later came the earthqueake, i wake up and run to the frist floor. In my house i was only whit my mother, i wait, below the thershold the door, what the earthqueake turn off. The earthqueake is very strong, and has a much fear. In my family all are good, has a good luck.
Good bye.

1 comment:

  1. heyy mari!
    I was with you that night... that was strange because a few days ago we was in Bolivia and when we came to Chile... the earthquake shook us!
