Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My experence learning english at university

Today I will talk about my experience in learning English at the university. I will talk about the general aspects in English class. The English class at “Universidad de Chile” has four levels of English: Starter, beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate. In this university the English subject is obligatory. In my case, I started studding in level two of English, the level beginner. I passed level beginner and pre-intermediate and this year I took the last course of English. In my opinion the English in this university doesn't teach very much English, because a lot of reasons.
The English at the university is not very good, because the students in one class have different levels, some students have very good English and others don't have a good English. This difference between the students cause the ones with bad English not improve their language.
Other reasons because of the English in the university doesn’t teach very much, is the teacher in the class doesn’t teach the verb tenses or the grammar of English. The English subjects are thought for students who have a great base of English from the school. In my case I don't have a good base in English from my school, because my school doesn’t have English. For this reason, I don’t know grammar and modal verbs so much.
The last reason is the few application that English has in your career. The English learnt in class is not put in use, but if tought topic for our career would be used all the day. This way in which English is tought helps us to near the English to student.
But the English class has a way that is beneficial to the language knowledge, which is the blog. I liked it very much, because I learnt to write and read. The problem is that the blog is not corrected.
In conclusion, the English in this university doesn’t teach very much because the students in the class have different levels, the knowledge is not applied and the grammar and verbs are not tought. The English class must have more applications for the career, must teach more for grammar and modals verbs, must have a better test to take the levels and must have more levels.

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