Wednesday, June 23, 2010

La isla del sol!

Hello classemate!! Today I continue whit the history the “La isla del sol”, because I don’t finish telling you all.


Already in the Isla del Sol, we stoop the ship in the south side. In the south we walk to the north. The way one should be delayed to 2 hours, but we delay ourselves 6 hours, for which we got lost.

Before getting lost we separate in two groups: one with Caro, Fran, Naty and I and other one with Iva, Cami and Ale. The second group did not get lost, but equal they came at the same hour.

We were lost as 2 hours, without seeing anybody to the neighborhood and in addition without having a way to continue. How did it happen? We were going for a way that I cut of nothing, and I did not continue.

Before us the way was finish, we leave of the traditional way to continuing. We were going for a way with a lot of tourists, but when we were happening for a church us looking at her, and we take a wrong way.

We ask many people if the way in which we were going was driving it was doing the north zone. The response was providing that if, all the ways were driving to this zone, but not for the way that we need.

Ultimately not since we come and in some moment we could come to the traditional way.

Thankfully we come early to the island, and us it did not get night we were walking. This it was they more fear, because we did not have idea where we were.

In the north zone we found whit second group and realize together the camp.

This is the finish of the history.

I hope you like.

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